.NET – Keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio

By | 19/10/2022

In this post, we well see some keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio that can help us to be more productive while we are using Visual Studio.
For the complete list of keyboard shortcuts, we can check out here.

Build Solution => Ctrl + Shift + B
Cancel => Ctrl + Break (Pause)
Compile => Ctrl + F7

Delete all breakpoints => Ctrl + Shift + F9
Toggle breakpoint => F9
Quick watch => Ctrl + Alt + Q
Step over => F10
Step into => F9
Stop debugging => Shift + F5

Collapse to definitions => Ctrl + M
Find => Ctrl + F
Find in files => Ctrl + Shift + F
Find all references => Shift + F12
Go to => Ctrl + G
Go to declaration => Ctrl + F12
Go to definition => F12
Peek definition => Alt + F12
Replace => Ctrl + H
Toggle bookmark => Ctrl + K
Extract method => Ctrl + R , Ctrl +M

New file => Ctrl + N
New project => Ctrl + Shift + N
Save => Ctrl + S
Save all => Ctrl + Shift + S

VISUAL STUDIO CODE – Keyboard shortcuts

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