Python – How to create, read and write an Excel file

By | 04/01/2023

In this post, we will see how to create, read and write an Excel file using the module openpyxl.

First of all, we need to install the module, using the command:

pip install openpyxl

Then, we create an Excel file called TestExcel.xlsx, so defined:

We create a file called where we will read all rows in TestExcel.xls then, we will select all rows with Cost>=40 and finally, we will write in the column D the value “Ok”.
At the end, we will save the modified file.


import openpyxl

# we load the file
objFile = openpyxl.load_workbook("TestExcel.xlsx")

# we select the sheet called 'List'
selectedSheet = objFile['List']

# we get the number of the rows
rowsCount = selectedSheet.max_row

# we read all rows starting from 2 because, in the first row, there are the columns' names
for item in range(2,rowsCount+1):
    # we take only items with cost >= 40
    if(int(selectedSheet.cell(item, 3).value) >= 40):
        # we show in output the row
        print(f"ID: {selectedSheet.cell(item, 1).value} - Description: {selectedSheet.cell(item, 2).value} - Cost: {selectedSheet.cell(item, 3).value}")

        # we write Ok in the column 'D', after the price
        selectedSheet.cell(item, 4).value = "OK"

# we save the file"TestExcel.xlsx")

If we run the code, this will be the result:

and, this is the modified Excel file:

Now, we will modify the file in order to create a new Excel file called “NewFileExcel.xlsx” where, we will write all items selected above:


import openpyxl

# we load the file
objFile = openpyxl.load_workbook("TestExcel.xlsx")

# we select the sheet called 'List'
selectedSheet = objFile['List']

# we get the number of the rows
rowsCount = selectedSheet.max_row

# we define a dictionary where key-> ID and  value -> 'Description' + 'Cost'
finalList = {}

# we read all rows starting from 2 because, in the first row, there are the columns' names
for item in range(2,rowsCount+1):
    # we take only item with cost >= 40
    if(int(selectedSheet.cell(item, 3).value) >= 40):
        # we show in output the row
        print(f"ID: {selectedSheet.cell(item, 1).value} - Description: {selectedSheet.cell(item, 2).value} - Cost: {selectedSheet.cell(item, 3).value}")
        # we save in finalList the items selected
        finalList[int(selectedSheet.cell(item, 1).value)] = f"{selectedSheet.cell(item, 2).value} - {selectedSheet.cell(item, 3).value}€"
        # we write OK in the column after the price
        selectedSheet.cell(item, 4).value = "OK"

# we save the file"TestExcel.xlsx")

# we create a new Excel file
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()

# we grab the active worksheet
ws =

# we define the title for two columns:
ws['A1'] = "ID"
ws['B1'] = "Info"

# we start to write from the row number 2
index = 2

    # we read all the item selected
    for i in finalList:
        # we define the columns to use
        column1 = f"A{index}"
        column2 = f"B{index}"
        # we write the values in the cells
        ws[column1] = i
        ws[column2] = finalList[i]
        # we add a new row
        index = index + 1

    # we save the file"NewFileExcel.xlsx")
    # we show a message when the file has been created
    print("A new file called NewFileExcel.xlsx has been created.")

except Exception as error:
    print(f"Attention! Errors during the creation of the new Excel file, {error}")

We have done and now, if we run the code, this will be the result:

and, this is the new Excel file:

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